Miguel Martinez Herrera

Postdoctoral researcher
in Spatial statistics

Miguel Martinez Herrera

Postdoctoral researcher
in Spatial statistics

Who am I, you ask?

I am a CNRS postdoctoral researcher working in the team of Zebrafish neurogenetics at Institut Pasteur under the supervision of Nicolas Dray, and Felix Cheysson from Gustave Eiffel university.

My research focuses on the development of new statistical methods, based on the spectral analysis of spatial point processes, to study the organisation of Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) populations at different scales.
In particular, we study the role of Notch signalling in NSC quiescence and division, which is a biological mechanism that helps guaranteeing a stable composition of cell numbers and types in the tissue.

I recently completed my PhD in statistics in the department of statistics (LPSM) at Sorbonne Université, financed by the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), under the supervision of Anna Bonnet (LPSM) and Maxime Sangnier (LPSM).
My thesis subject is the study of parametric statistical inference for Hawkes processes:

  • Implementation of the Maximum Likelihood Estimation procedure to multivariate Hawkes processes with exciting and inhbiting interactions along with an application to neuronal activation data.
  • Use of spectral methods for point processes to analyse imperfect Hawkes processes observations in the form of additional external points (false positives) and missing points (false negatives).



  • "Spectral analysis for noisy Hawkes processes inference", A. Bonnet, F. Cheysson, M. Martinez Herrera, M. Sangnier, In Revision, (2024).

    Pdf Github

Published papers

  • "Inference of multivariate exponential Hawkes processes with inhibition and application to neuronal activity", A. Bonnet, M. Martinez Herrera, M. Sangnier, Statistics and Computing, (2023).

    Pdf Github

  • "Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Hawkes Processes with self-excitation or inhibition", A. Bonnet, M. Martinez Herrera, M. Sangnier, Statistics and Probability Letters, (2021).

    Pdf Github

PhD thesis

  • "Inference of non-linear or imperfectly observed Hawkes processes", defended on the 12th November 2024.

    Pdf Slides

Structures of branching and clustering for Hawkes processes.


  • Hawkes process seminar, Paris, France, September 2024.
  • Zebrafish Neurogenetics team seminar, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, July 2024.
  • 55e Journées de Statistique (JdS), Bordeaux, France, Mai 2024.
  • 54e Journées de Statistique (JdS), Brussels, Belgium, July 2023.
  • PhD students seminar at LPSM, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, November 2022.
  • Lille Days in Point Processes and Stochastic Geometry, Lille, France, Octobre 2022.
  • PhD workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Octobre 2022.
  • (Invited) SIAM Annual Meeting (AN22), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., July 2022.
  • Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticien.ne.s (RJS), Porquerolles, France, April 2022.
  • SCAI doctoral Workshop, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Octobre 2021.
  • PhD students seminar at LPSM, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Octobre 2021.

Intensity of bivariate Hawkes process with exciting and inhibiting interactions.


  • (2023-2024) Representative of PhD students at graduate school (École Doctorale 386 Paris Centre).
  • (2022-2023) Co-organiser of the PhD students seminar at LPSM.


Sorbonne Université

  • (2022-2024) Statistics course, 3rd year Bachelor’s.
    Topics: Parametric estimation, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing.
  • (2021-2023) Data Science course, 1st year Bachelor’s.
    Topics: Probability tools, Numerical optimisation, Linear regression, Supervised and non-supervised classification, Python implementations.
  • (2021-2023) Advanced Mathematics course, DU RESPE (Return to higher studies Diploma for exiles).
    Topics: Vectors, Logic, Sequences, Complex numbers.

Miguel Martinez Herrera

Postdoctoral researcher

Original code by GLR